


WEB2DNA will take you website, analyze it, crunch it to little bits and spit it out as a graphic representation of a human DNA.

The brightness of the lines is determined by the importance of the tags in terms of structure.

H1 is brighter than H2, which is brighter than H3.
TABLE is brighter than TR, which is brighter than TD tags.
Images and flash elements appear as 70% white.
New HTML tags like STRONG and EM is brighter than older ones like B and I
UL, OL and DL is brighter than their LI, DT, DD
DIV layout is brighter than table layout

Basically a semantically rich site will appear brighter than one with messy old-style code.

You can also determine the richness of text on a site. A site the focuses on (text) content is one where the DNA patterns is large (filling many containers), but contains a lot of empty spaces between the lines (empty space is the individual words).


[via Spreeblick]

2 Reaktionen zu "WEB2DNA"

  1. pixelgraphix
    Donnerstag, 3. August 2006, um 19:27 Uhr

    WEB2DNA ist wieder eine interessante Methode, eine Webseite darzustellen, nämlich in Form der »DNA«: WEB2DNA will take you website, analyze it, crunch it to little bits and spit it out as a graphic representation of a human DNA. The...

  1. Kartenlegen
    Freitag, 4. August 2006, um 16:34 Uhr

    WEB2DNA ist wieder mal eine sehr interessante Methode, seine Webseite graphisch darzustellen zu lassen, nämlich in Form der DNA (DNS). Grafik © 2006 Thomas Baekdal via 512mb ...

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