16. März 2005 um 15:24 Uhr
Vieles ist bereits veraltet, aber deshalb nicht schlechter. Außerdem hab ich viel nachzuholen, damit die Flagged items endlich reduziert werden können:
A List Apart: Onion Skinned Drop Shadows - Animators use onion skinning to render a snapshot of motion across time. Now, web designers can use this technique to create the truly extensible CSS-based drop shadow.
A List Apart: Dynamic Text Replacement - Let your server do the walking! Whether you’re replacing one headline or a thousand, Stewart Rosenberger’s Dynamic Text Replacement automatically swaps XHTML text with an image of that text, consistently displayed in any font you own. The markup is clean, semantic, and accessible. No CSS hacks are required, and you needn’t open Photoshop or any other image editor. Read about it today; use it on personal and commercial web projects tomorrow.
A List Apart: Drop-Down Menus, Horizontal Style - Multi-tiered drop-down menus can be a hassle to build and maintain—especially when they rely on big, honking chunks of JavaScript. Nick Rigby presents a way to handle this common navigation element with a cleanly structured XHTML list, straightforward CSS, and only a few concessions to browser quirks.
ExpressionEngine Plugins: Countdown - A simple countdown script that provides a countdown to a specified date/time.
Authentic Boredom: Got worn? Don’t miss these brushes - Many people have asked me how to get the “distressed” feel that I have been using in my recent work. One part that I can divulge is the use of custom brushes. I have created these brand new exclusive sets of brushes for you to experiment and use.